Publications by Theme

Feminism and women's studies
Childbirth and motherhood
Women's Health
Methodology and social intervention evaluation


Oakley A (1972) Sex, Gender and Society. London: Temple Smith. (Reprinted with new Introduction, London: Gower, 1985). New edition with new introduction, Ashgate 2015.
Oakley A (1981) Subject Women. Oxford: Martin Robertson.
Oakley A (1996) Gender matters: man the hunter. In: Roberts H, Sachdev D (eds) Young People's Social Attitudes: Having their say - the views of 12-19 year olds. Ilford, Essex: Barnardos, pp.23-43.
Oakley A (1997) A brief history of gender. In: Oakley A, Mitchell J (eds) Who's Afraid of Feminism. London: Hamish Hamilton, pp.29-55.
Oakley A (2002) Gender on Planet Earth. Cambridge: Polity Press. (New York: The New Press, 2003).
Oakley A (2005) The Ann Oakley Reader: Gender, women and social science. Bristol: Policy Press.
Oakley A (2005) Gender, women and social science. Sociology Review 15(2):10-12.
Cockburn C, Oakley A (2013) The cost of masculine crime. openDemocracy.
Cockburn C, Oakley A (2013) Sexual exploitation in street gangs: protecting girls or changing boys? openDemocracy.
Oakley A (2015) The history of gendered social science: a personal narrative and some reflections on method. Women's History Review 24 (2): 154-173.

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Oakley A (1974) Housewife. London: Allen Lane.
Oakley A (1974) The Sociology of Housework. London: Martin Robertson. (Reprinted with new Introduction, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1985.)

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Feminism and women's studies

Mitchell J, Oakley A (eds) (1976) The Rights and Wrongs of Women. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Oakley A (1984) Taking it Like a Woman. London: Jonathan Cape. (Paperback published by Fontana 1985; also published by Random House, New York.)
Mitchell J, Oakley A (eds) (1986) What is Feminism? Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Oakley A (1986) Feminism, motherhood and medicine - Who cares? In: Mitchell J, Oakley A (eds) What is Feminism? Oxford: Basil Blackwell, pp.127-150.
Oakley A (1986) Feminism and motherhood. In: Richards M, Light P (eds) Children of Social Worlds. Cambridge: Polity Press, pp.74-94.
Oakley A (1989) Women's Studies in British sociology: to end at our beginning? British Journal of Sociology 40(3): 442-470.
Oakley A (1992) Women's Studies: theory or practice? In: Crouch C, Heath A (eds) Social Research and Social Reform. Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp.271-286.
Oakley A (1995) Women and children first and last: parallels and differences between children's and women's studies. In: Mayall B (ed.) Children's Childhoods. Sussex: Falmer Press, pp.13-32.
Oakley A, Mitchell J (eds) (1997) Who's Afraid of Feminism? London: Hamish Hamilton. (New York: The New Press.)
Oakley A (1998) Whatever's happening to women? Sex, gender and the politics of the backlash. In: Despard A (ed.) A Woman's Place: Women, domesticity and private life. Kristiansand, Norway: Hogskolen i Agder, pp.1-20.
Oakley A (2004) Epilogue in Eight Essays: Ann Oakley. In: Halsey AH (ed.) A History of Sociology in Britain: Science, literature and society. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.214-217.
Oakley A (2005) The SST interview: Ann Oakley and reflections on feminist sociology. Social Science Teacher 34(3):3-5
Oakley A (2006) Feminism isn't ready to be swept under the carpet. Times Higher Education March 13.
Oakley A (2015) Imagining social science. In: Twamley K, Doidge M, Scott A (eds) Sociologists' Tales: Contemporary narratives on sociological thought and practice. Bristol: Policy Press pp. 109-116.
Oakley A (2015) Interviewing women again: power, time and the gift. Sociology 1-19.

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Childbirth and motherhood

Oakley A (1979) Becoming a Mother. Oxford: Martin Robertson. (Under the title From Here to Maternity. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981. Reprinted: 1986 & 2018.)
Oakley A (1980) Women Confined: Towards a sociology of childbirth. Oxford: Martin Robertson.
Oakley A (1985) Social support in pregnancy - the 'soft' way to increase birthweight? Social Science and Medicine 21(11):1259-1268.
Oakley A (1985) Doctors, maternity patients and social scientists. Birth 12(3):161-166.
Oakley A (1985) Consumers' attitudes to obstetric care. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 92:188-189.
Oakley A (1986) The history of ultrasonography in obstetrics. Birth 13(1): 8-13.
Oakley A (1987) From walking wombs to test-tube babies. In: Stanworth M (ed.) Reproductive Technologies. Cambridge: Polity Press, pp.36-56.
Oakley A (1988) Is social support good for the health of mothers and babies? Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 6: 3-21.
Oakley A (1989) William Power Memorial Lecture. Who cares for women? Science versus love in midwifery today. Midwives Chronicle: 214-221.
Oakley A (1990) A case of maternity: paradigms of women as maternity cases. In: Pope D, Wyer M, O'Barr J (eds) Ties That Bind: Essays on motherhood. Chicago: Chicago University Press, pp.61-85.
Richards M, Oakley A (1990) Women's experiences of Caesarean delivery. In: Garcia J, Richards M, Kilpatrick R (eds) The Politics of Maternity Care. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.183-201.
Oakley A (1991) Using medical care: the views of high risk mothers. Health Services Research 26 (5):651-669.
Oakley A (1992) Social Support and Motherhood: The natural history of a research project. Oxford: Basil Blackwell (Reprinted: 2018).
Oakley A, Hickey D, Rajan L, Rigby AS (1996) Social support in pregnancy: does it have long-term effects? Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 14:7-22.
Oakley A (1996) Becoming a grandmother - has childbirth really changed? British Medical Journal 312:1426.
Oakley A, Wiggins M, Strange V, Sawtell M, Austerberry H (2011) Becoming a mother: continuities and discontinuities over three decades. In: Ebtehaj F, Herring J, Johnson MH, Richards M (eds) Birth Rights and Rites. Oxford, Hart Publishing.
Oakley A (2016) The sociology of childbirth: an autobiographical journey through four decades of research. Sociology of Health and Illness 38 (5): 689-705.

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Women's health

Oakley A, McPherson A, Roberts H (1984) Miscarriage. London: Fontana. (Revised edition, Penguin, 1990.)
Oakley A (1984) The Captured Womb: A history of the medical care of pregnant women. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Oakley A (1989) Smoking in pregnancy: smokescreen or risk factor? Towards a materialist analysis. Sociology of Health and Illness 11(4): 311-335.
Oakley A, Rajan L (1990) Obstetric technology and maternal emotional wellbeing: a further research note. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 8:45-55.
Oakley A, Rigby AS, Hickey D (1993) Women and children last? Class, health and the role of the maternal and child health services. European Journal of Public Health 3:220-226.
Oakley A (1993) Essays on Women, Medicine and Health. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Oakley A (1994) Who cares for women? Social relations, gender and the public health. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 48:427-434.
Oakley A, Rigby AS, Hickey D (1994) Love or money? Social support, class inequality and the health of women and children. European Journal of Public Health 4:265-273.
Oakley A (2007) Fracture: Adventures of a broken body. Bristol: Policy Press.

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Methodology and social intervention evaluation

Oakley A, Rajan L, Grant A (1990) Social support and pregnancy outcome: report of a randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 97: 155-162.
Oakley A, Rajan L (1990) Social class and social support: the same or different? Sociology 25(1):31-59.
Oakley A, Rajan L, Robertson P (1990) A comparison of different sources of information on pregnancy and childbirth. Journal of Biosocial Science 22:477-487.
Oakley A (1990) Who's afraid of the randomised controlled trial? Some dilemmas of the scientific method and 'good' research practice. In: Roberts H (ed.) Women's Health Counts. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp.167-194.
Oakley A (1992) Social support in pregnancy: methodology and findings of a 1 year follow-up study. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 19:219-231.
Oakley A (1992) Getting at the oyster: one of many lessons from the Social Support and Pregnancy Outcome Study. In: Roberts H (ed.) Women's Health Matters. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp.11-32.
Oakley A, Fullerton D, Holland J, Arnold S, France-Dawson M, Kelley P, McGrellis S (1995) Sexual health interventions for young people: a methodological review. British Medical Journal 310:158-162.
Oakley A, Fullerton D, Holland J (1995) Behavioural interventions for HIV/AIDS prevention. AIDS 9:479-486.
Oakley A, Fullerton D (1996) The lamppost of research: support or illumination? In: Oakley A, Roberts H (eds) Evaluating Social Interventions: A report on two workshops. Ilford, Essex: Barnardos, pp.4-38.
Oakley A (1998) Living in two worlds. British Medical Journal 316:482-483.
Oakley A (1998) Experimentation in social science: the case of health promotion. Social Sciences in Health 4 (2):73-89.
Oakley A (1998) Science, gender and women's liberation: an argument against postmodernism. Women's Studies International Forum 21(2):133-146.
Oakley A (1998) Experimentation and social interventions: a forgotten but important history. British Medical Journal 317:1239-1242.
Oakley A (1998) Public policy experimentation: lessons from America. Policy Studies 19(2):93-114.
Zoritch B, Roberts I, Oakley A (1998) The health and welfare effects of day-care: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials. Social Science and Medicine 47(3):317-327.
Oakley A (1998) Gender, methodology and people's ways of knowing: some problems with feminism and the paradigm debate in social science. Sociology 32 (4):707-731.
Oakley A (2000) Paradigm wars: some thoughts on a personal and public trajectory. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 2 (3):247-254.
Oakley A (2000) A historical perspective on the use of randomised trials in social science settings. Crime and Delinquency 46(3):315-329.
Oakley A (2000) Experiments in Knowing: Gender and method in the social sciences. Cambridge: Polity Press. (New York: The New Press.)
Sheldon T, Oakley A (2002) Why we need randomised controlled trials In: Duley L, Farrell B (eds) Clinical Trials. London: BMJ Publishing, pp.13-24.
Oakley A (2002) Interviewing women: a contradiction in terms? In: Kourany JA (ed.) The Gender of Science. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, pp.136-152.
Oakley A (2002) Social science and evidence-based everything: the case of education. Educational Review 54(3):277-286.
Oakley A (2003) Randomized controlled trial. In: Lewis-Beck M, Bryman A, Futing Liao T (eds) The Sage Encyclopaedia of Social Science Research Methods. Thousand Oaks, Cal.: Sage Publications.
Oakley A (2003) Research evidence, knowledge management and educational practice: early lessons from a systematic approach. London Review of Education 1(1):21-33, Oakley A, Strange V, Toroyan T, Wiggins M, Roberts I, Stephenson J (2003) Using random allocation to evaluate social interventions: three recent UK examples. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 589:170-189.
Oakley A, Wiggins M, Turner H, Rajan L, Barker M (2003) Including culturally diverse samples in health research: a case study of an urban trial of social support. Ethnicity and Health 8(1): 29-39.
Stephenson JM, Oakley A, Johnson AM, Forrest S, Strange V, Charleston S, Black S, Copas A, Petruckevitch A, Babiker A (2003) A school-based randomized controlled trial of peer-led sex education in England. Controlled Clinical Trials 24 (5): 643-657.
Stephenson JM, Strange V, Forrest S, Oakley A, Copas A, Allen E, Black S, Ali M, Monteiro H, Johnson AM and the RIPPLE study team (2004) Pupil-led sex education in England (RIPPLE study): cluster-randomised intervention trial. The Lancet 364: 338-346.
Wiggins M, Oakley A, Roberts I, Turner H, Rajan L, Austerberry H. Mujica R, Mugford M (2004) The Social Support and Family Health Study: a randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of two alternative forms of postnatal support for mothers living in disadvantaged inner city areas. Health Technology Assessment Monograph 8(32).
Toroyan T, Oakley A, Laing G, Roberts I, Mugford M, Turner J (2004) The impact of day care on socially disadvantaged families: an example of the use of process evaluation within a randomized controlled trial. Child: care, health and development, 30 (6): 691-8.
Thomas J, Harden A, Oakley A, Oliver S, Sutcliffe K, Rees R. Brunton G. Kavanagh J (2004) Integrating qualitative research with trials in systematic reviews: an example from public health. British Medical Journal 328:1010-1012.
Oakley A (2004) Qualitative research and scientific inquiry (Editorial). Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 28(2): 102-4.
Oakley A (2005) Design and analysis of social intervention studies in health research. In Bowling A, Ebrahim S (eds)Handbook of Health Research Methods. Maidenhead, Berks.: Open University Press, pp. 246-265.
Oakley A, Gough D, Oliver S, Thomas J (2005) The politics of evidence and methodology: lessons from the EPPI-Centre. Evidence and Policy 1(1):5-31.
Oakley A (2006) Resistances to new technologies of evaluation: education research in the UK as a case study. Evidence and Policy 2(1):61-86.
Oakley A (2006) Ethnicity and research evaluating health interventions: issues of science and ethics. In: Nazroo JY (ed.) Health and Social Research in Multiethnic Societies. London: Routledge, pp.142-164.
Oakley A, Strange V, Bonell C, Allen E, Stephenson J (2006) Process evaluation in randomised controlled trials of complex interventions. British Medical Journal 332:413-416.
Strange V, Allen E, Oakley A, Stephenson J, Bonell C, Johnson A and the Ripple Study team (2006) Integrating process with outcome data in a randomised controlled trial of sex education. Evaluation 12 (3):330-352.
Rees RW, Garcia J, Oakley A (2007) Consent in school-based research involving children and young people: a survey of research from systematic reviews. Research Ethics Review 3 (2):35-39.
Stephenson J, Strange V, Allen E, Copas A, Johnson A, Bonell C, Babiker A, Oakley A and the RIPPLE Study Team (2008) The long term effects of a peer led sex education programme (RIPPLE): a cluster randomised trials in schools in England, PloS Medicine, November 5 (11) e1224:0001-12.
Harden A, Fletcher A, Oakley A (2009) Teenage pregnancy and social disadvantage: systematic review integrating controlled trials and qualitative studies. British Medical Journal 339:b4254 doi:10.1136/bmj.b4254.
Oakley A (2016) A small sociology of maternal memory. The Sociological Review . 64 (3): 533-549.
Oakley A (2017) The forgotten example of 'settlement sociology': gender, research, communities, universities and policymaking in Britain and the USA, 1880-1920. Research for All 1 (1): 20-34.
Oakley A (2018) Fact, fiction and method in the early history of social research: Clementina Blackand Margaret Harkness as case-studies. Women's History Review 29 (3): 360-379. Oakley A (2020) Women, the early development of sociological research methods in Britain and the London School of Economics: A (partially) retrieved history. Sociology 54 (2): 292-331.

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Oakley A (2009) Fallacies of fact and fiction. Feminism & Psychology 19(1):118-122.
Oakley A (2010) The social science of biographical life-writing: some methodological and ethical issues. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 1-15, doi: 10.1080/13645571003593583.